I have been described as a happy go lucky, fun, and bubbly person. I have an amazing husband who loves me. I have 4 beautiful, healthy children. I get the great pleasure and gift of getting to stay home with my kids full time. I grew up in a very happy home with lots of love and happiness. I grew up with a great foundation in my relationship with Jesus Christ. Despite a few in most people's lives small heartbreaks I've lived a very blessed life. None of that has stopped me from dealing with a crippling depression.
I can look back now and see that the first time I remember feeling depressed for any length of time was in the 7th grade while being home schooled. I didn't know what I was feeling then. Just that I didn't know why I was so sad and didn't feel like myself. It only lasted a few months and I got out of it fairly easily.
I can look back now and see that the first time I remember feeling depressed for any length of time was in the 7th grade while being home schooled. I didn't know what I was feeling then. Just that I didn't know why I was so sad and didn't feel like myself. It only lasted a few months and I got out of it fairly easily.
In high school my life got flipped upside down when my mom lost her job at the church I'd grown up in. We struggled for money and had to move to a new place which meant a new school for me. I lost all my friends and felt very alone. By the end of freshman year I was in one of the worst times of depression of my life. I felt very sad all the time. I wasn't doing any of the things I use to enjoy. I stopped talking to people and I remember someone saying how shy I was (I'd never heard that before in my life.) I would stay up all night watching TV and binge eating. Then I'd sleep all day and I started skipping school. I'd always been a great student. I loved school and worked very hard on my grades. Id even gotten an academic award in middle school, but I stopped caring and started failing all my classes for not showing up. I'd never been in trouble in school before, but was now in the vice principal's office getting in school suspensions so often they threatened to send me to a juvenile delinquents center.
I hated myself. I hated who I'd become and couldn't remember who I even was anymore. I was depressed for almost 2 years in that dark hole where I couldn't see a light where life could get better. I started cutting myself all over the tops of my legs where no one would see it. My family felt lost on how to help me. I didn't hang out with my friends and preferred to cut myself off from everyone. I remember driving down the road hoping I'd get into a car accident and be killed. My relationship with God kept me from ever committing suicide and I'd never wanted to hurt my family like that. Although I know one time I did take a bunch of pills. I thank the Lord it didn't do anything. I just wanted the numbness and sadness to go away. I wanted to feel like myself again. Thankfully my mom got me help. In the same week my best friend moved in with me and my mom got me on antidepressants. I had a short hiccup when the first medication we tried made me go crazy where I was suicidal. Again thankfully my best friend realized what was happening and got me the help I needed and we got me on different medication that worked! After a few months on the medication combined with my best friend making me get out of the house and do things I got better!!! I was only on the depression medication for 6 months in which it leveled out the chemicals in my brain that were making me depressed. I was able to go off the medication for a few years and not have any more episodes.
Once I started having babies things started becoming harder for me. Pregnancy even though they were difficult pregnancies gave me happy hormones and I didn't struggle with my depression while I was pregnant, but I'd get terrible postpartum depression after they were born. I felt like I was drowning all the time. I believed I was worthless. I felt like my life was perfect, but I was the problem in my life ruining it for everyone. I struggled to do simple tasks like just getting out of bed. After I had my 3rd daughter was one of my darkest times. I'd gained 40 lbs in 4 months. I hated myself. I never left the house and didn't take care of myself at all. Forgetting to shower or brush my teeth. I remember my husband coming home after work and asking what I'd fed our 3 baby girls to which I had no answer. I had overwhelming guilt for how terrible of a mother I was being to my kids. I remember thinking everyone would be better off without me. I was a leech suckling the joy out of everyone's lives.
At this point I remember praying every day God please fix me and take me out of this depression! God had helped me do it before, so I knew he could do it again. God did help me get out of it, but it wasn't the way I thought he would. My husband's sister and her family moved in with us for a few months. My sister in law and I would do a devotional together several days a week. She got me out gardening and doing things again. I will forever be grateful to her for helping me, even if she didn't know that's what she was doing. I started to feel better and God taught me a lot of things about myself during this time. I ended up pregnant with my 4th and final baby shortly after I had been out of my depression for only a short time. I prayed a lot to not have postpartum depression and I did things very differently after I had my son that made big changes for me. These changes kept me from getting to that dark place again.
I only breast fed for 6 weeks then gave it up so I could go back on my medication. I knew it would be better for my baby and my family if I wasn't depressed over him getting breast fed for longer. For me a strong extrovert I need to be around people. The more cut off I feel from people the more depressed I get. I have to make sure I'm out of the house and around people very often. I started working out and working on eating healthy.
I thankfully haven't dealt with the extreme depression since 2013, but I do struggle keeping it at bay. There are times I still get depressed, but if I start feeling depressed I try to as quickly as possible do all the things I know I need to, to stay healthy. Like I know that any changes bad and even good changes tends to make me feel depressed so I watch for it and make sure I'm on top of all the things I need to be doing to keep it short term or at bay completely. Depression for me is a chemical problem in my brain so I have to take medication that helps me. Depression for me is like a monster that wants to keep me down. There are times I will feel depressed and it's like part of me doesn't want to get better. I mean obviously I want to be happy and healthy, but pulling myself out of the darkness is super hard. There are times I struggle to even take my medication, like there is some part of me working against myself. I think staying depressed is easier, but life like that is wasted.
Recently I have struggled more with my depression. I lost someone very close to me and my husband switched to working a night shift which leaves me almost a single parent during the week. Between the struggle of taking on the task of 4 young kids alone and having my nighttime be something I dread instead of look forward to. It's hard for me to reach out to others and say I need help. I have an amazing family that steps up for me when I do. They will let me come just play games at night with them or just sit and talk to me on the phone so I don't feel quite so alone. Evan is now back to 1st shift and will be home at nights again. I'm going to have to stay on top of my medication and make sure I'm being active on all the other steps I need to take, but I know this will be a short term depression and I'm going to be alright.
I'm sharing this deeply personal and embarrassing part of life in hopes of helping someone else struggling with depression. I'd kept quiet about my depression for fear of people passing judgement or pushing their ideas of how I need to "fix" myself. I've felt like my depression made me less than other people and a "broken" person. I worried people would say what do you have to be depressed about? Other people have it so much worse.
I'm putting my fears aside, because I wish I could tell high school depressed Kristy that things do get better! That if those pills had worked you wouldn't get to experience all the amazing things God had in store for you! Only a short time after you wished for a car accident to take your life, you met the love of your life who makes you laugh every day and loves you even at your worst. You would have missed your amazing kids that make every day worth living and give you so much purpose. I wish I could go and tell myself during my worst postpartum depression when I believed God got it wrong in giving me so much blessings that God doesn't make mistakes. That I am and was always worthy of all the gifts God gave me!
That is why I'm going to tell you right now. Depression doesn't have to last forever! Get help whatever that looks like for you. Tell a friend, family member, teacher, or Doctor. You can and WILL get better! God has not forgotten about you or abandoned you. He wants to help you get better, but that doesn't always look the way we think it should. Ask for help and keep pushing for a better life! I am proof that you can get through this and God has so much more in store for you!
Special thanks to my best friend growing up Nicole! Thank you for making me laugh again at a time when I never thought life could be good again. You made me enjoy life again.
Thank you to my sister in law Gretchen who helped me by just being there when I needed someone. Who helped me not feel so alone by gardening or just sitting talking.
Thank you to my amazing family that never allows me to push them away when I need them the most. Who always answers my calls for help. I couldn't have done anything without you guys!
Final thanks to my beautiful kids for making me see what life is really about. For giving my life so much purpose and happiness. To my husband that has loved me at my absolute worst. Thank you for the tough love when I need it and not allowing me to wallow in my depression. For showing me how valued and important I am to you guys. For making me laugh even in the darkest times. For being my safe place to show all my flaws and you still love me! I love you all so much.